10 Best Tips To Rank Number 1 on Google, How to rank a new website on Google, How to Rank Higher on Google, Top Rank on Google

Google – 10 Best Tips To Rank Number 1 on Google 

10 Best Tips To Rank Number 1 on Google :- Are you looking to improve the Google ranking of your website or blog? If you are frustrated with the indexing issue, you may find today’s post helpful. Today we will talk about those 10 things you can do to get your website ranked on Google. There can be several reasons for a website or blog post not to be ranked or indexed in Google Search.

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If you have created a new website, you may need to use search engine optimization (SEO) techniques to rank your website as quickly as possible on Google. Today, in this article, I will tell you 10 tips that you can use to easily position your website on Google. 10 Best Tips To Rank Number 1 on Google.
10 Best Tips To Rank Number 1 on Google, How to rank a new website on Google, How to Rank Higher on Google, Top Rank on Google

How to rank a new website on Google

Nowadays, blogging has become a business. And the reason for this interest in blogging is “How to make money from a blogging opportunity”. People now consider blogging as a corporate or procedural career, and as a result, there is a lot of competition. We all know that to make money with a blog you need thousands of unique visitors.” Google Search can generate a lot of organic traffic to our website, so in today’s article I will share the top 10 tips you can use to effectively increase your website’s ranking on Google Search.

1. Select the correct domain name—

Before creating a new website, it is very important to choose the right domain name for it. Many new bloggers blog on subdomains like myblog.blogsot.com, they don’t buy top-level domain names. Nowadays there is so much competition that a top level domain has become necessary to rank any website and earn a good amount of money from that site. You can choose any top-level domain name, from .com, .in, .net, .org, etc.

2. Report the website to Google Search Console—

The first thing you should do after creating a website is submit it to Google Search Console. Because traffic will come to that website when your blog posts are indexed. You need to submit your website to Google Search Console. If your website or blog is new, it will take some time for Google bots to crawl the new website.

It may take about a month for your new website to be indexed in Google Search. To see all the pages of your blog indexed on Google, you can search on site:yoursiteurl.com. Here, instead of yoursiteurl.com, use your website URL. Next, all the indexed pages of your website will be displayed. However, for new websites, getting Google to rank on the first page is not easy. 10 Best Tips To Rank Number 1 on Google 

Because, when your website or blog is new, the Domain Authority (DA) of the website is very less and Google does not trust websites with low Domain Authority (DA). When you regularly publish posts on your blog, the DA (Domain Authority) of your blog slowly increases. If you write good, high-quality, SEO-optimized articles, nothing can stop you from ranking in Google Search.

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3. Submit the sitemap to Google Search Console—

The sitemap is the list of all the existing web pages of the site on that domain. The sitemap makes it easier for Google and other search engines to understand the structure of the website. This is why the sitemap needs to be submitted to Google Search Console. Sitemap is an index file, it contains the URLs that Google needs to index. Submit sitemaps beyond Google into other webmaster tools like Bing, Yandex, etc. This is important because your website’s web pages will also be indexed in other search engines and your website will receive more traffic.

4. Select low competition keywords—

As I said before, there is a lot of competition in blogging. Thousands of blog posts on the same topic are published every day and indexed by Google. Now, if you are blogging on any topic or writing a post targeting keywords, for which Google already has thousands of website items, you will find it very difficult to rank on the first page of Google Search.

For this reason, before writing a post, it is necessary to do a “keyword research”. Through keyword research, you can gather information about any keyword searched on Google. How many times is the keyword searched on Google and how difficult is it for that keyword to rank in the top 10 results on Google Search? You can use the Google Keyword Planner tool to research keywords for free.

5. Write quality content—

The problem with not ranking on the first page of Google Search is that the quality of your content isn’t good enough. Now the question is: what does this “Quality Content” mean? 10 Best Tips To Rank Number 1 on Google 

Quality content means writing articles in such a way that your visitor receives the most accurate information and also values ​​the time spent reading your article. I have seen many bloggers around the world who do not write their posts clearly. Visitors don’t like reading your posts, as a result, the bounce rate of the website increases. Therefore, always try to write detailed and organized articles on any topic. He tries to write an article in paragraphs and publishes an informative article between 1500 and 2000 words.

6. Share the article on social networks—

Social media is the best way to drive traffic to new websites. Additionally, if your website is shared more and more on social media, Google discovers this reaction and starts ranking your website. When sharing the article, you should keep one thing in mind: share the article only in places where, after clicking, users read the content of your website. If you have shared any link which after clicking users immediately abandon your website, this increases the bounce rate of your website.

7. Create a mobile-friendly website—

Currently around 80% of web searches are carried out via smartphone. And so, Google began to consider a website’s mobile usability as a ranking factor to improve favorable search results. If your website is well optimized with adequate SEO but its mobile usability is poor, your website’s ranking may be low. Therefore, for any website, before selecting any theme or template, check whether it is mobile-friendly or not. To check whether your website is mobile-friendly or not, you can use Google’s mobile-friendly testing tool.

8. Try slowing down the website loading speed—

Users typically wait 1-2 seconds for a website to load properly. If your website takes more than 2 seconds to load, users may abandon it, no matter how well-organized, high-quality, and SEO-friendly content you’ve written; This ultimately increases your website’s bounce rate and negatively affects your website’s ranking.

9. Use catchy words in your title and description—

When writing a post, choose a catchy title and description because only the website title and description appear in Google Search. If you choose an attractive title and description, maximum number of users will click on your website link. This increases the CTR (click-through rate) of your website and will also improve the ranking of your website.

10. Write posts regularly—

You must have seen that news sites are ranked high on Google. Do you know the reason behind this? About 50 publications are published on the news website in one day. Come on. If you also post regularly on your website, your posts will definitely get ranked. Yes, the more posts you write, the more trustworthy you will become in the eyes of Google. Ultimately, it increases the ranking of your website.

Conclusion :- Today in this post I explained how to get a new website to rank quickly on Google. In this article I have written almost all the advice I know. If you follow all these tips, your website ranking will definitely improve. If you have any questions or concerns you would like to ask me, feel free to leave them in the comments below. 10 Best Tips To Rank Number 1 on Google 

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Nawal kishor
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